Obviously, little sister unraveled and big brother "cleaned up".
Such Teamwork!
Motherhood IS to finish cleaning a mess only to walk in the next room and find rainbow goldfish crackers in the tiniest of crumbs all over the couch and carpet, or chalk/crayon murals on the walls I just painted, or Cason "watering" the plants (bless his heart, he is actually watering the floor) .
It's a deep breath and then counting to 5.
I can then look at that sweet baby face and calmly react (at least, that's the goal).
Some days it's a huge challenge.
No active messes at the moment since the kids are napping.
But I better use this time to catch up with them so that I am prepared for the post-nap Battle of the MESS.
How DO such small creatures create such LARGE messes?
That's the question of the century for me.
We better enjoy them in the meantime though,
because they won't be small creatures forever! Right?
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