22 February 2013

Party Time: Rubber Ducky Birthday!

My kids were so excited for their little brother to turn one. 
So, for months, they have been brainstorming what kind of party we should throw for him! (they love this party stuff as much as I do ☺)
In the end, after much deliberation from the 5-and 3-y-o siblings, we decided on a rubber ducky theme. Levi always monopolizes the rubber ducky supply at bath time, so they thought it was quite appropriate.
:: A rubber ducky birthday party over the weekend for the one-year-old at our house ::





I served soup in bread bowls with a green salad and deviled eggs.
But the bulk of the food, lets be honest, was sweets.
Banana cake
Sugar cookies
Jello cups
Handmade suckers
Lemon bars
Donut holes
and Italian sodas

I just still can't get over his sweet one-year-old face. 
Why did this happen so fast?


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE LU! Really, so sweet and special for such an adorable one year old doll baby! How do you do it? Each party is so unique and has its own stamp on it just for the guest of honor. Can't wait to come and see where all the magic happens and hug and kiss the kids!

  2. You blow me away my Lu. I want to be you! What a creative mind. What an amazing muth you are!

  3. So stinkin cute!!!! Really, where do find the time to do all this? I know how much work this was! Time does go by so fast. He's such a cutie!!!


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