27 October 2011

Tomato Pie.

I've been meaning to post this for roughly forever... And now summer and gardening are officially over.
BUT if you are like me, you still have a handful of green tomatoes ripening on the counter.
This southern specialty--tomato pie (yes, pie)-- right here is going to be the best way to use them, trust me. It is the perfect way to bridge the gap between summer and fall.

A dear friend of mine made something similar for us a few summers ago. Ben about died when he had it and we haven't forgotten about it since. SO so good.
I tried to recreate it here, and I think it turned out pretty dang delish (if you ask me).

Tomato Pie. 

1 recipe favorite pie crust
3 T grated parmesean

1 medium onion, sliced thin
5-6 ripe tomatoes, cut into thick slices
12 basil leaves, chopped
1 tsp fresh parsley, plus more for garnish
Garlic powder, to taste
S/P to taste

1/3 c mayo
1/3 c sour cream
1/4 c grated parmesean
8 slices fresh mozarella

Preheat oven to 375.
Roll pie crust into dish and poke holes in the bottom with a fork. Top with 3T cheese. Bake for 15 minutes.
While crust is cooking (then cooling), saute onion with butter until caramelized, set aside.
Reset oven for 350.
Sandwich salted, sliced tomatoes between two paper towels to absorb some of the juice for 3 minutes or so (otherwise pie will be really watery) then put in a mixing bowl.
Add basil, parsley, garlic powder, S/P and onions to the tomatoes to coat.
Layer tomato in cooled crust.

In a seperate bowl, combine mayo, sour cream, parmesean and a touch of S/P. Spread over tomatoes, then top with mozarella slices and parsley.

Bake 350 for 30-40 minutes or until crust is golden and cheese is melted and bubbly.

Let cool 10 minutes before serving.

My mouth is watering.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally testify that it is delicious!!!!! Thanks for not being a weirdo and sharing the recipe!


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